• September 28 - October 2, 2020

    September 28 - October 2, 2020

    This week we have been working on:


    Standard(s) Addressed:
    4.NSBT.4 Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using strategies to include a standard algorithm.
    4.NSBT.1 Understand that, in a multi-digit whole number, a digit represents ten times what the same digit represents in the place to its right.

    Test Tuesday September 29, 2020 on Double Digit Subtraction With Regrouping.

    We will start lesson on Place value.


    Standard(s) Addressed:
    Standard 8: Analyze characters, settings, events, and ideas as they develop and interact within a particular context.
    a.1 Use text evidence to: a. describe characters’ traits, motivations, and feelings and explain how their actions contribute to the development of the plot; and
    b. explain the influence of cultural and historical context on characters, setting, and plot development.
    Standard 10: Apply a range of strategies to determine and deepen the
    meaning of known, unknown, and multiple-meaning words, phrases, and
    jargon; acquire and use general academic and domain-specific
    10.1 Use definitions, examples, and restatements to determine the meaning of
    words or phrases.
    Standard 1: Interact with others to explore ideas and concepts,
    communicate meaning, and develop logical interpretations through
    collaborative conversations; build upon the ideas of others to clearly
    express one’s own views while respecting diverse perspectives.
    1.1 Consider viewpoints of others by listening, reflecting, and formulating
    questions before articulating personal contributions.
    1.2 Participate in discussions; ask and respond to probing questions to
    acquire and confirm information concerning a topic, text, or issue.

    Parents Interim reports will be given out at a later date. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Mrs Power and Ms Leverrett

    Doris Power

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  • SEPTEMBER 21-25, 2020

    SEPTEMBER 21-25, 2020

    SEPTEMBER 21-25, 2020

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